There is strong evidence that the cause of injury of a body part may be due to dysfunction elsewhere. There are several factors that contribute to performance and risk of injury. Among these factors are skill and fitness. For the purposes of this article I would like to focus on fitness and its affect on risk of injury. 

It is often hard for me to help people understand that a hip that is not working well can lead to a shoulder problem. In other words, a seemingly unrelated body part (through the kinetic chain) can affect the performance of a body part that is on the other end of the body. A study published in 2013 performed on high school and collegiate baseball players who had ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) tears (elbow ligaments on the inside of the elbow), illustrates this concept.¹ This study compared healthy baseball players to those who had been diagnosed with Ulnar Collateral Ligament tears.  To quote from the article, they found, “Participants with a UCL tear demonstrated decreased performance for their stance and lead lower extremities during the Y Balance Test”. “In addition to balance, the Y Balance Test is reflective of lower extremity strength and neuromuscular control.”

Neuromuscular control is the ability to control the body in motion. It requires the coordination of the flexibility, stability, strength, power, and endurance. Missing one of theses qualities can cause dysfunction in other qualities. While the findings in this study do not prove cause and effect, they do present strong evidence of a relationship between limitations in the lower body, and upper body dysfunction and injuries. Many great athletes are so great at compensating for their dysfunctions that we don’t notice it until they get hurt. Therefore fitness along with other factors (ie. Sleep, recovery for stressors, nutrition, etc.) are not only part of performing well, but also avoiding injury.

At Movement Training by Design, we can test your body with Functional Movement Screens.  When we maintain adequate movement patterns throughout life, we reduce risk of injury.  At Movement Training by Design, we will train your body to adopt the correct posture and movements needed to improve the way you move. Call 860-970-8575 today for information.

CITATION: ¹ Baseball players diagnosed with ulnar collateral ligament tears demonstrate decreased balance compared to healthy controls 

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The Cause of Injury Lies Elsewhere | Glastonbury CT | Movement Training by Design